15 Tips to Simplify Your Life

1.  Be clear on your goals, roles and mission in life. Act accordingly.
2.  Be selective about who and what you commit to. Don’t say ‘yes’ unless it will help you become your best.
3.  Don’t go shopping for anything except groceries for 30 days.
4.  Reduce the amount of stuff in your space. If you buy a shirt, discard 2.
5.  De-clutter. Define ‘someday’ or throw it away.
6.  When you open your mail, file your bills in the order of their due date – in a SwiftFile.
7.  Schedule ‘doing nothing time’. It keeps you in ‘balance’.
8.  Remember the simple basics. Food, water, shelter.
9.  Start small. Simplify Saturday or Sunday.
10. Reduce computer/TV/video game time: Take a walk instead or enjoy a family board game or conversation.
11. Monitor your ‘inner noise’. Find your quiet core. Before doing something – ask yourself if it would make life simpler.
12. Reduce your junk mail. Write to: Mail Preference Service P.O. Box 9008 Farmingdale, NY 22735-9008. Request that your name not be sold to any companies and be removed from mailing lists.
13. Simplify email management. When you open your email, decide on an action and do it.
14. Make a decision the first time you touch a piece of paper.
15. Simplify paper management. There are only three actions to do with paper: File, Act, Toss.
Ask if life will be simpler before you decide to do something.  Act on those things that will improve your life.

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