Have You Heard of Automation Alley? It’s Michigan Made!

GearsTurningMediumSo, it’s not the Silicon Valley or Wall Street Financial District, but Michigan has its very own Automation Alley that is filled with businesses that strive for better automation and products for our auto industry. I believe in automation and in change for the better. I was using a web based CRM design software(Customer Relationship Management) but only for time entry. On top of that, one of my contractors was still sending me billable hours via email and I was hand entering them. I know better than that, but I didn’t get my head around the change. Isn’t that always the case? When you know there is a better way but you don’t pull the trigger?

I’m flying out to Las Vegas for the Little Caesars annual convention with my toolbox FILLED with automation tools. I finally took the leap and created a few videos that would give some insight on the simplicity of some targeted process. I have a video of my Little Caesars Transaction Importer, which automates the process of data entry by grabbing an electronic vendor invoice and import it as bills into QuickBooks by location and cost code.  I also have a video on my experience with TSheets, the time entry program who’s sole purpose is to automate service hours entry, payroll approval of hours, managing those hours and synching that information with QuickBooks products. Last but not least, I had a franchisee who wanted to automate inventory adjustments in QuickBooks by location and by item. We found that Baystate’s Transporter Pro Wizard killed it and we couldn’t be more pleased.

Click here to see the Little Caesar Transaction Importer at work!

Recently, I was asked to assist one of my franchisors in creating a reporting template using the QuickBooks Statement Writer found in the QuickBooks Accountant Edition. The goal is for all of the franchisees to use a standard process within QuickBooks and report on four week periods using this standard reporting template. Then, the franchisor will upload this template and, in return, will provide a report card with analysis and guiding suggestions. A built in consulting session with relevant feedback: who would not be up for that? I’m curious to see how the franchisees view this simple change using click of a button technology? How about you? What would you do if you could automate a daunting process?

I’m still looking for the EASY button to perform my spring cleaning!  GreenClickButtonMedium





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