Category Archives: QuickBooks advisor

Name of the Game

Name of the Game

Name That Company Do you know how Steve Jobs was inspired to create the company name “Apple”? Where did the name “Tesla” come from for Tesla Motors? How about Technology In A Box? Well, I can give you that story. It was born from four companies that could contribute to one company with different skillsets,Continue Reading

Your Logo Reflects You

Your Logo Reflects You

  When I was branching off into my company, my logo was the first item to tackle. I wanted my logo to reflect my style of work, my style of design and have a hidden meaning as so many famous brands do. Your logo will be the foundation of your branding. If you are aContinue Reading

Women in Accounting

Women in Accounting

The Woodard Chapter of Cleveland just met for a dinner meeting that hosted Heather Satterly as a guest speaker. I was in awe of hearing yet another story of how Heather came upon QuickBooks accounting services (Her mom is a CPA) and her journey to becoming a national speaker on QuickBooks Online and apps thatContinue Reading

Interview With Christine

Interview With Christine

Introduction As one of Christine’s virtual bookkeepers, we don’t get to spend much time together. Typically, she works in Michigan, while I work around the globe. However, I always enjoy and value our time together.   I really admire Christine for her success in business, academics, and public speaking at conferences like Scaling New Heights. IContinue Reading

QBO: Mobile Accounting for Millennials

QBO: Mobile Accounting for Millennials

QBO On the go… “Mom, I want to learn QuickBooks Online!(QBO)”, said my son Nick (25) who is the assistant controller at the ACE Hotel in Palm Springs. Naturally, there was a perfectly reasonable (and millennial) explanation. “Because one day, I want to travel and do my work….. like you.” Now, this was a youngContinue Reading

Education to Enhance Your Business