Category Archives: michigan business

Lessons Learned 2012

Lessons Learned 2012

Many institutions and individuals have offered up some very interesting Lessons Learned in 2012. Some are fun, some are powerful, some are relateable, some are out of this world, but all have a common theme: There is always something to be learned. From the XLVII Super Bowl: For a team to gain an edge onContinue Reading

And I Thought I Worked Alot!

And I Thought I Worked Alot!

I have been accused of working 70 hours a week, which, of course, I dont (Denial….is that the first sign of a Workaholic?) But the Forbes Workaholic article made me realize I am not in that category for a few reasons: I’ve never missed birthdays, anniversaries, holidays or graduations (Even made it to myContinue Reading

Education to Enhance Your Business