Category Archives: michigan business

From Detroit: Let’s Automate!

Detroit’s landscape is changing, I can feel it. But most of all, the phone is ringing with all sorts of requests from old and new owners. I follow Curbed Detroit on Facebook and I am in awe of the transformation of buildings and businesses. And guess what! They are looking for help on QuickBooks forContinue Reading

Repeatable Process for your Business Model

Part 7 – Right From the Start Its Monday and you get the dreaded call. Your customer is unhappy with how long the project took, how much they had to spend and the lack of communication. Was the job done to their satisfaction? Yes! Will they benefit from your services? Yes! Will they refer youContinue Reading

Time to Track Your Growth!

Time to Track Your Growth!

Shiloh Property Services: (Randy and Joakim pictured to the left) I cannot tell you how much I love it when one of my clients refers me to another. What made it even better was that they were both a part of Detroit’s Goldman Sachs 10K Small Businesses program*. Randy from Shiloh Property Services and Ted fromContinue Reading

TSheets: The New Look, Same Valuable Core!

TSheets: The New Look, Same Valuable Core!

No, I’m not talking about me and my new tan and springy step after a week in Mexico. I’m talking about the new look of the TSheets Time Tracking web dashboard, online time tracking at it’s best. Did I ever look at their former dashboard and say to myself, “Wow, I think they need aContinue Reading

Breed, Lead and Weed the Team

Part 3 in the series of Right From the Start Let’s be unconventional! Let’s say that hiring a team member follows a difference course of events, such as: Defining the company vision, core values and business plan Take stock in the current team vs. required talent to achieve goals Document the flow of information, theContinue Reading

Education to Enhance Your Business