Category Archives: bookkeeper

Best Practice: Tips on Keeping Your Records

As I was organizing the thousands of documents from many years of tending to small businesses, I couldn’t quite put my finger on what I needed to keep vs. what I needed to shred. Back in the “old days”, we printed and documented EVERYTHING and I knew one day I would have to part withContinue Reading

What’s New: QuickBooks 2016 and QuickBooks Enterprise 16.0

What’s New: QuickBooks 2016 and QuickBooks Enterprise 16.0

 I am a self-admitting software junky. So when August rolls around, I cant help but wiggle a bit knowing that the new versions of QuickBooks are coming out. Now, this isn’t like some phone company (to be unnamed) who puts out a new model every 6 months and everyone is scratching their head wondering whatContinue Reading

Ten Accounting Tasks to Tackle (Before Year-End)

Ten Accounting Tasks to Tackle (Before Year-End)

There are just a few months left in 2015! Now don’t look at me like that. Just think of Christmas Eve last year and tell me your presents were wrapped, your car was packed, your cookies were baked, your cards were out a month earlier and same goes for Chanukah, Kwanzaa and any other holiday. EvenContinue Reading

QuickBooks Online (QBO): More Than Mobile Accounting

It was 1993 when I was introduced to my first experience with QuickBooks DOS 1.0, but I also remember the first time I used “The New QuickBooks Online”. Around 1997, the QuickBooks Pro Advisor group came along and we were getting more press from Intuit through their “Find a Pro Advisor” program, but it was stillContinue Reading

Spring Cleaning the Accounting File!

Spring Cleaning the Accounting File!

It’s summertime (I think) in Michigan and although the calendar says July, I’m not quite sure the weather man has been alerted! Maybe that is why my closet still has winter clothes hanging up, with a few spring items in between. Spring and the beginning of this summer have blurred lines, but I’m determined toContinue Reading

Education to Enhance Your Business