Category Archives: accounting

The Professional Approach!

The Professional Approach!

When I was young and extremely foolish (and sometimes worse), I would contract skilled labor to do something that I wanted to do for myself, but I wanted to learn the task from a professional. Then, depending on how often I would have to do that same task, I would decide whether or not IContinue Reading

Closing the Books – QuickBooks

Watch the Video “DID YOU OR DID YOU NOT CLOSE THE BOOKS?” Its a simple process and yet the act of closing your books carries a great responsibility for an owner, an accountant and the bookkeeper. Why, when and how are all important. Most people who use a software to automate their accounting may knowContinue Reading

Collaboration, Cooperation and Camaraderie!

Collaboration, Cooperation and Camaraderie!

We have a special place in our heart for people we have met and worked with this year. They have inspired, encouraged and made us a better company at Technology In A Box. They have also personally nudged me, made me rethink Candy Crush and Bejeweled as a pastime and introduced me to one ofContinue Reading


  Christine with Stacy Kildal at the Freedom In the Cloud conference, held at the DoubleTree Hotel in Detroit, MI. Stacy and Reesa McKenzie, Intuit Rockstars, provided insight and info on hosting your QuickBooks data in The Cloud! I have been gathering interesting thoughts and opinions from colleagues on storing and accessing information on internetContinue Reading

Business Trends: What’s True Today Will Change Tomorrow!

Business Trends: What’s True Today Will Change Tomorrow!

Business trends in the small to midsize business world are changing daily. Information on how to host your data in the cloud, tweet your newest thought and develop your business model around the latest technology surrounds our world in the press, in the media and from our peers. What is the best fit for yourContinue Reading

Education to Enhance Your Business