Goals are Dreams with Deadlines

Written by Christine Galli, M.Ed

“Goals are dreams with deadlines.” – Diana Scharf Hunt

How do you pick a goal that can be achieved, that defines you as a company, as a family member, as a person? What goal drives lifelong benefits to the company and yourself once you have made it part of your everyday life? Brainstorm. Think about what comes to mind and pluck that which rises to the top.

So once a goal is chosen, how do you approach that target? You can start by defining the success factor of your goal (more doesn’t mean better). Develop steps to achieve the goal for a specific time period and decide the measurement which you will consider it successfully achieved. Then communicate it with those around you, provide training for the actionable items that will empower the team to help meet the goal. Provide daily, weekly and monthly reminders and display a visual that captures how the team and individuals are progressing.

Above all, create passion for the end result. Make a personal goal as an individual that is achievable and worth setting out to change your psyche and your lifestyle. This may set an example for others on how to harness inner discipline and drive to achieve a greater and more meaningful life. Is goal setting the cure for what ails a company (or an individual)? Maybe not, but if you don’t establish a destination, you will surely end up wandering. You may not get there on the first try, but keep on trying.

“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination are omnipotent. The slogan ‘press on’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”

-Calvin Coolidge

Here are some resource links for personal and company goal setting:






10 Responses to Goals are Dreams with Deadlines

  1. Kelly says:

    Another great blog Christine! Good time of year to have this top of mind!

  2. Mary says:

    Wonderful message, Chrissie, thanks for sharing!

  3. Lisa says:

    Great article Christine. I believe one of the most important parts you mention is “creating a passion for the end result”. Even if you don’t meet your goal, in striving towards it you’ll be a little better than you were before you started.

    • Christine Galli says:


      So true and you are that much closer for when you want to go for it next time. A little older, but a lot wiser!

  4. Kelsie says:

    Very inspiring Christine! Persistence is KEY. 🙂

  5. Amy says:

    Love the quote, Christine! Developing baby steps and having persistence are key for me when I set goals.

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