To my readers:
A confession: Efficiency is not my middle name. I tend to work too hard, I weave my way to my destination and then dont have enough time for fun! Why? I dont know why. But I did have a life changing moment in 1993 that put me on a new path.
I was a learning specialist servicing clients on an hourly basis. I kept track of my client appointments and payments on a manual system (a napkin, a loose piece of paper, you know where I’m going). When we transformed our office to an automated accounting system, I felt like my train had arrived and I jumped on board. Mind you, I did not have an accounting background, nor did I have computer skills (I typed my Masters thesis on a typewriter). Nonetheless, an epiphany occurred: I wanted others to have what I was having; information at a click of a button. I set out on the path of helping others to understand how to account for their money and how to create efficiency in their lives. Now, I’m on a quest to create efficiency in other ways, but first, we must account for our information, our time and our resources.
Many years and many companies later, I am on a journey. Come with me, let’s find the shortest, painless, and most efficient way to our destination….. and then let’s play!
Know yourself! Know your EQ!
Founder of Efficiency Quotient (EQ)