Category Archives: Thought Provoking

Teaming Up With TSheets

Teaming Up With TSheets

Written by Christine Galli, M.Ed Many years ago, I was a learning specialist at a clinic and worked with teens and adults on learning skills and coping skills while they forged ahead with their educational set backs. I loved it, it was rewarding and for ten years, I put my heart and soul into itContinue Reading

It’s Not QuickBooks, It’s me, Christine!

Written by Christine Galli, M.Ed I hired a phenomenal woman, Wendy McCance, to help me get my social media world in order. What is social media for but to share information, tips and tricks and to personalize who I am and who is Technology In A Box. She truly is diligent about making plans with me, showing meContinue Reading

7 Reasons Why I Love QuickBooks

7 Reasons Why I Love QuickBooks

QuickBooks: How do I love thee, let me count the ways: If knowledge is power, then choosing the right tool to track daily information is a must. Here are some reasons why I switched careers to follow a tool that, for me and 3 million+, was a game changer!   Manages Information – Being able to trackContinue Reading

Collaboration, Cooperation and Camaraderie!

Collaboration, Cooperation and Camaraderie!

We have a special place in our heart for people we have met and worked with this year. They have inspired, encouraged and made us a better company at Technology In A Box. They have also personally nudged me, made me rethink Candy Crush and Bejeweled as a pastime and introduced me to one ofContinue Reading

Live and Give: My Outreach to Detroit

Live and Give: My Outreach to Detroit

The Christ Church Detroit Reading Camp 2013 was a labor of love and one I will choose to co-coordinate every year. It is seven months of planning for a two week activity, but the memories last a lifetime so I guess that is equitable. It evolved from our church hosting meetings to decide “What doContinue Reading

Education to Enhance Your Business