Category Archives: Thought Provoking

Social Media: My Trip into Outer Space

Social Media: My Trip into Outer Space

All good ideas for a social media blog start in the shower (this one did) …. Or a bike ride, walk or anywhere where you are capable of thinking without a thousand voices telling you “You have a (fill in the blank) due” or “You need to fix that 401K account for Client A”. No, itContinue Reading

Jill Shalett’s Bookkeeping Journey: Part 2

Jill Shalett’s Bookkeeping Journey: Part 2

“Surround yourself with people who are going to lift you higher.” – Oprah Winfrey Since I began my bookkeeping journey, I have learned more from the people I’ve surrounded myself with than any other resource. Without working with my wonderful mentor, Christine Galli, I could not have taken the steps to really discover who IContinue Reading

Christ Church Detroit Reading Camp: Grow Detroit

We have studied Swahili, tasted food from Spain, and learned about the likes of Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. Now, it’s time to bring the campers home to their own city and see what is growing in Detroit. Besides new housing and new stadiums, there are new gardens around the city that have a life ofContinue Reading

Apps Don’t Make Smartphones Smart

Smartphones have grown in popularity by leaps and bounds as has access to information in the cloud. Staggering numbers are reported for smartphone usage: Smartphone usage in 2015 accounted for 68% of the US population vs 35% in 2011 86% owned smartphones in the 18-29 age range 83% owned smartphones in 30-49 age range Even theContinue Reading

Family Business: A Living Legacy

A family business is a different breed. They can range from the mom and pop size to international blockbusters! I’ve worked in many a mom and pop family business (mostly Pops) and have never had the experience of working for a non-family owned business. Well, except for the time I was a dishwasher at college,Continue Reading

Education to Enhance Your Business