Your Business Information: A Piece of the Puzzle




Have you ever heard someone say “If you say it out loud or write it down, it will come true?” This is the puzzle I’m struggling with. I wonder if that is similar to the exercise of visualization: creating an image in your mind and it creates a clarity of what you want or where you’re going. I do know that if you have a destination and a map, even Google Map, then it helps navigate to the end game more efficiently and effectively. And there is widespread knowledge that if you have goals, you are more likely to succeed and if you have a business plan, you are more likely to grow. With all of these truths that surround the concept of defining a target, why is it that so many small businesses do not make budgets/set goals, perform bank reconciliations and keep their books current as a best practice? I don’t know about you, but I am more than willing to pay a professional to do accounting and social media for me if it means that I can do the work I was meant to do and still have access to my vital numbers.

I’ve been told that events always come in threes. Unfortunately, I grew up believing that in regards to deaths. However, I just had three deals killed because three businesses did not see the value of implementing systems to keep their books current and accurate. The first business called upon me looking for help to move to QuickBooks Online. They had one location and they wanted to add another and needed that “Anywhere Access” mode. I set up an account and online structure, imported their data, connected their bank feeds, connected their merchant accounts, set up training and they were up and running. Then they asked “Do you do bookkeeping?” and the answer was yes. I was thinking that this would be a go forward event. But apparently, they did not keep up on 2015. So I proceeded to have my Virtual Assistant Erica enter all of the missing data, have them review gaps and supply information and then reconcile 12 months. They were able to get to their accountant early and move forward with their tax return. They were elated. But did they want to continue with this great process of having their books in order each month? Nope, can’t afford it they said.

I set up another QuickBooks Online company for another interested party. Their business was on QuickBooks quite awhile back. It seemed to be time to get on track and I had several meetings, set up the bank feeds, created a report to fill in the missing gaps. We set up invoicing and the invoice template, had training on the process and were ready to move forward with Accounts Receivable (Tracking who owes you money). Generally speaking, I was prepared to have the banking and credit cards downloaded and reconciled monthly. After the first invoice, I heard the same response. Nope, can’t afford it. Now, I’ll be honest, this company is an established practice and will pull down the sales needed to be profitable. But aside from solid income, how do you quantify expenses or run reports on outstanding customer balances? How can you know if you are hitting your target without this kind of automation?

Last, but not least, I had a company pursue me like Little Red Riding Hood was pursued by the Big Bad Wolf because their inventory processes were leading to inaccuracies and the banks were screaming that the numbers didn’t jive. I was in for two long meetings and a lunch. Went through the processes, made a proposal, it was accepted and then…….. SILENCE. Perhaps too busy? Perhaps second thoughts? Perhaps the banks quieted down and the heat was off? I do not know. What I do know is that the world revolves around accurate and timely information. Numbers don’t lie and you can’t leave home without them. My only rational is this: Many businesses start up because there is an initial talent or need and there is a visionary that stands behind that force. But then the wind blows and the force is sidetracked. You don’t understand why something as powerful as the talent or need isn’t growing. A successful business builds the plan, set goals and that create targets. They may not always succeed at first, but they sure know when downturns are happening and they can reset the course to get back on that path. These are the businesses that will grow, they have the puzzle pieced together. Are you missing any puzzle pieces?

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